Angus Bull Sale
Sales: GATES PERFORMANCE GENETICS breed around 100 Angus and 20 Charolais bulls each year with about 80-100 of these available for sale at our on property auction or by private treaty from 12 months of age or from the 1st of August each year.
When searching for our animals on the Angus Breedplan website please use our identifier ASR, followed by the year letter and the animals number (eg, ASRG13).
Aim: Many of these bulls are the latest genetics available, this year all bulls were above breed average on Breedplan EBV’s, with several in the top 10%. Each year some bulls are specifically bred for use over heifers whilst others are high performance cow bulls.
Our Program and Handling: Yearling bulls have been yard weaned on a ration of hay and rolled barley in December to January at 4 to 6 months of age and if poor seasonal conditions prevail continue to receive 1 to 1.5 kg of rolled barley fed in a trough daily until being sold in August to November. These bulls are not stuffed with ad-lib feed provided but receive enough nutrition to allow them to reach their genetic potential and usually weigh 480 to 550 kg at 12 months of age. Yearling Charolais bulls can be purchased or we have 2yr olds for client preference over larger cows and mob sizes.
All bulls are handled regularly using bikes, horse’s and dogs and we regularly receive comments from clients on how easy our bulls are to work with, any bulls exhibiting bad temperament are culled.
Prior to sale all bulls receive a full vaccination program with 7-1 for clostridial diseases, Leptospirosis, Pesti Virus, Vibrio, Vitamin B12 and Selenium. Bulls traveling to QLD can be Tick Fever and Three Day sickness vaccinated on request. All bulls are semen tested and structurally assessed prior to sale. Bulls will also have received a broad spectrum drench and had a lice treatment.
Yearling Theory: By using yearling bulls you get the latest genetics a year earlier, you get an extra year out of them, have less problems with introducing them onto your place and we are able to supply them to you at a lower price.
Please read Sandy Yates’s article on Using Yearling Bulls available by clicking the link at the very bottom of this page.
Guarantee: GATES PERFORMANCE GENETICS is committed to having a responsible attitude in supplying our clients with what we believe is the latest and best genetics available to improve your heard and increase your profits. Gates Angus use all relevant means available including Breedplan data along with stringent visual appraisal to achieve this.
At GATES PERFORMANCE GENETICS we guarantee every bull we sell for a 12 month period from purchase date with a replacement bull if available or a bull credit for the following year on any bull that breaks down structurally or becomes incapable of natural service other than as a result of an injury or sickness received or contracted after purchase date. A vet certificate may be required.
Bonus!!!!! As a bonus Gates Performance genetics offer you the opportunity to select a Kanika Working Kelpie pup with every purchase of each $30,000 worth of Genetics purchased from us, these pups again have some of the best Kelpie Genetics available. Supply dependant on availability and may mean a small wait.
Rick Gates: 0427 711 254
Sam Gates 0437 553 862
Through our agents Blake Orielly, Sam Sewell and Andrew Starr at Ray White Rural Armidale/Guyra or through your preferred agent at with 4% rebate (conditions apply).
## Performance Driven Profit ##